Taking credit and buying some thing you like may give you pleasure at that instant but it is going to be a cost you extra money. You shall pay back the entire money you have taken from the lender with the interest in the stipulated time. You can try buying some thing that is very costly on loan. But its value shall increase in the future. For this kind of investments you can consider taking a loan. The good example is a home loan or car loan. You can try some thing like a car for daily traveling needs. While buying some thing every one shall ask them self that weather that is absolutely needed or not.You have to be careful about taking a personal loan or buying some electronic gadget with monthly payment option. You shall do this only when it is absolutely needed. Credit card companies. lenders,shop owners are the business people around you who offer this loan facility.
You shall understand that they are doing it to make money but not for charity. Once you take this kind of loan, you need to pay your valuable money to them in the name of processing fees and compound interest.
It is true that you can get a home loan approval only when you have good credit history. You can get this good payment history only when you take a loan or a credit card. When you pay your monthly bills on time your credibility will increase. As a result you will have good credit score and it will be easy to get a mortgage loan at lower interest rate. But you shall not fall in the trap of the debt to get the good credit report. You can have a single credit card and use it in a controlled way to establish your credit.
You shall understand that they are doing it to make money but not for charity. Once you take this kind of loan, you need to pay your valuable money to them in the name of processing fees and compound interest.
It is true that you can get a home loan approval only when you have good credit history. You can get this good payment history only when you take a loan or a credit card. When you pay your monthly bills on time your credibility will increase. As a result you will have good credit score and it will be easy to get a mortgage loan at lower interest rate. But you shall not fall in the trap of the debt to get the good credit report. You can have a single credit card and use it in a controlled way to establish your credit.
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